Our guilds purpose is to develop and encourage the art of modern quilting and work with other guilds and groups with a similar purpose.
Monthly Meetings, Presentations, and “Sew and Share”
Creative Quilt Modern Projects Club
Challenges, Swaps & other Activities
Community Outreach through Quilt Donations
Annual Retreat (Spring) and Annual Auction (October)
Membership to The Modern Quilt Guild (MQG)
The guild meets the fourth Sunday of the month from 1pm to 3pm except November & December when we meet on the 3rd Sunday.
We are a not for profit 501 (C) Organization
Annual membership runs from January 1 to December 31 and costs $50. A new form must be filled out ANNUALLY to update your information and allow for accurate recordkeeping.
Print this MEMBERSHIP FORM and snail mail it with payment to Lynn Meyer at the address on the form or bring it to a meeting.